Integration - CDX Web

CDX WSI is available as SOAP Interface and as REST API. It includes the following options:
- MDS Web Services with Download and Upload Services for executing business functions and download of company & common MDS data, company specific regulations, rules and exemptions as well as including attachments with the business function methods.
- CMD Web Services use methods for business functions, which allows synchronous communication with CDX.
- SAP module "Product Compliance for Discrete Industries" (formerly: "EHSM") is the perfect complement to CDX for managing compliance information in SAP and linking it to other information in SAP ERP / PLM solutions. For this purpose, the relevant data and processes from CDX were integrated into the SAP system using the CDX Web Services.
A valid CDX License is required for using the CDX Webservices: MDS License for MDS Web Services and CMD Manager License for using the CMD Web Services.

With these CDX Licenses, users can:
- Leverage Material Data Sheets (MDSs) and Conflict Minerals Declarations (CMD) in your current systems and automatically exchange the information securely
- Integrate CDX data with existing processes and systems in your environment
- Use the download interface to transfer CDX standard information, as well as CDX data sheets used by your company - public and your own - and company-specific substance lists, regulations, and regulation exemptions to your local systems for in-house administration
- Use the upload interface to transfer data from your in-house systems to CDX
The Compliance Data eXchange (CDX) is a complete product chemical compliance and corporate responsibility data collection solution for the entire global supply chain. CDX employs proven architecture for integration with various in-house systems using CDX Web Services Interface (CDX WSI).
The SAP module Product Compliance for Discrete Industries: (formerly: EHSM) is the perfect complement to CDX for managing compliance information in SAP and linking it to other information in SAP ERP / PLM solutions. For this purpose, the relevant data and processes from CDX were integrated into the SAP system using the CDX Web Services. Further information can be found in the SAP presentation "CDX SAP Interface - Solution Overview" and in the document "CDX SAP Interface - Technical Documentation" that can be downloaded on our Tutorials page.
MDS Web Services:
The MDS Web-Services works with the Download and Upload Services for maintaining company-specific regulations, rules and exemptions as well as including attachments with the business function methods.
- You can upload own MDSs into CDX or request MDSs from your suppliers using the MDS Request function - after this, you get the results of your Upload Requests.
- Special reports like Material Declarations (MD) and Supplier's Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) can be created using CDX WSI and downloaded in XML format from CDX.
- Your company can transfer CDX standard information, such as published materials, norms, basic substances catalogue, and substance lists like "REACH Annex" to your in-house systems.
- In addition, CDX data sheets used by your company - public and your own - and company-specific substance lists, regulations, and regulation exemptions can be transferred from your local systems and locally stored for in-house administration. From your in-house systems you can initiate status changes like accepting/rejecting supplier MDSs, as well as releasing, sending, deleting etc. of own MDSs.
- With CDX Web Services you have the possibility to attach documents in various formats (e.g. *.pdf, *.docx, *.xml, *.xlsx, and *.zip) to your MDSs.
Web Services for CMD:
The CMD Web Services use methods for business functions, which allows a nearly synchronous communication with CDX.
With the CMD Request Services you can
- Request CMD from your suppliers, delete the request or cancel and change the request
- Accept or reject received requests, attach a CMD to the Request or change the Request
- Search for and download CMD Templates, received and own requests
With the CMD Services you can
- Search for all CMD, received CMD (Inbox), own CMD (Outbox) and smelters
- Create own CMD, attach documents and carry our different update functions for a CMD, like adding/deleting recipient/supplier information, question catalogues and smelters
Advantages for Clients
- Reduced efforts for data collection and data management
- Increased data quality
- Enhanced productivity
- Local management and integration of information on products and materials for CDX Reports