Material Reporting

Efficient material data management for maximum transparency and compliance across your supply chain

Material Reporting

Basic Functions - Free of Charge

Once your company registers in CDX, each user can create MDSs and evaluate owned MDSs against legislations for their products and company and provide them to their customers at no charge.

Data sheets for own components can also be imported from other formats (IMDS, IPC1752, IPC1754 or IEC62474). For ease of data entry, comprehensive catalogues with Standard Materials and Basic Substances are available.


CDX supports Submission of SCIP Dossiers to ECHA. The options range from single MDS Dossier submissions, submissions of batches of Dossiers based on search results, submissions triggered by using webservices, and Dossier push-through via Webservices. Dossier Push-through means that no BOM data will be stored in CDX, allowing customers to use CDX and other sources to collect data to their inhouse systems, aggregate, and ask CDX to create a SCIP Dossier for the aggregate. CDX will push the Dossier(s) to ECHA, discard any BOM data except for the header information needed to manage communication. Combined with its own power, the various capabilities of importing data from industry standard formats such as IPC 1752 and 1754, and the integration capabilities, CDX is a SCIP powerhouse, including support of simplified notifications and SCIP referencing.

Get in contact with us

For more details on CDX and its pricing, or to
inquire about our products and services,
including scheduling a demo, kindly contact us
at or use our contact form.

Incorporate Received MDSs - Prices for Material Data Reporting

CDX MDS license is required if you want to receive and continue processing MDSs from your suppliers. You can purchase the appropriate license through the integrated order process.

The different Material Data Sheet licenses are based on the size of your company respectively on the degree of usage. We are offering standard licenses for small, medium, and large companies with full CDX functionality for material data reporting.

The licenses depend on the number of suppliers from which your company will receive and accept MDSs. The license comprises the usage of the whole system with its technical and organizational components. This includes the technical infrastructure, content (e.g. substance and material catalogues), software maintenance, security, service desk operations etc. The number of registered suppliers from whom MDSs will be accepted merely define the standard company sizes. For companies that exceed the defined standard sizes we are glad to offer individual licenses.

The following applies to all licenses:

  • Each license is valid for 12 months.
  • The number of received data sheets per supplier is not limited.
  • The number of received versions (updates) per data sheet is not limited.

With an Entry License a company can receive and process data sheets for up to 10 suppliers. The "Accept / Reject MDS" functionality, together with the free use of CDX by your suppliers, enables the exchange of material data sheets between you and your suppliers. The full functionality of CDX is available with the next higher license.

Optionally, we offer a service package consisting of a CDX MDS license including the "CDX - Starter Guidance". The requirements and the services for the Supplier Guidance - which are provided by our partner imds professional - can be found in the following service document:

CDX - Starter Guidance

Note: A new price list with updated license functionalities will take effect on January 1, 2025. View the upcoming price list and details here.



2,300 EUR/year

(2,580 USD)
Accepted MDSs from up to 10 suppliers

  • Accept and Reject MDS
  • Export a single MDS into SCIP format*

  • License including starter guidance: 4,100 EUR
    (4,595 USD)
Sign Up


15,500 EUR/year

(17,360 USD)
Accepted MDSs from up to 100 suppliers

  • Accept and Reject MDS
  • Produce SCIP Dossiers**
  • Export of lists via MS Excel
  • Export of MDS via IPC1752A, IPC1754 or IEC62474 format
  • Administration of Company Specific Basic Substance Lists and Regulations
  • Reporting Functionality
  • Provision of CDX Web Service Interface (CDX WSI)

  • License including starter guidance: 17,300 EUR
    (19,375 USD)
Sign Up


30,500 EUR/year

(34,160 USD)
Accepted MDSs from up to 250 suppliers

  • Accept and Reject MDS
  • Produce SCIP Dossiers**
  • Export of lists via MS Excel
  • Export of MDS via IPC1752A, IPC1754 or IEC62474 format
  • Administration of Company Specific Basic Substance Lists and Regulations
  • Reporting Functionality
  • Provision of CDX Web Service Interface (CDX WSI)

  • License including starter guidance: 32,300 EUR
    (36,175 USD)
Sign Up


48,900 EUR/year

(54,770 USD)
Accepted MDSs from up to 500 suppliers

  • Accept and Reject MDS
  • Produce SCIP Dossiers**
  • Export of lists via MS Excel
  • Export of MDS via IPC1752A, IPC1754 or IEC62474 format
  • Administration of Company Specific Basic Substance Lists and Regulations
  • Reporting Functionality
  • Provision of CDX Web Service Interface (CDX WSI)

  • License including starter guidance: 50,700 EUR
    (56,785 USD)
Sign Up

Entry License: support of singular Dossier Submissions (one Dossier at a time, manually issued)


Small License: full support of SCIP Dossier submission up to 15.000 Dossiers p.a. Includes batch transfer and webservices integration

Medium: full support of SCIP Dossier submission up to 50.000 Dossiers p.a. Includes batch transfer and webservices integration

Enterprise: full support of SCIP Dossier submission up to 150.000 Dossiers p.a. Includes batch transfer and webservices integration.

For companies wanting to order an MDS License for more than 500 suppliers and/or companies that need more than 150.000 SCIP dossiers p.a. we would be glad to make an individual offer on request.