Responsible Materials Management

Sustainable resource management ensuring transparency and accountability across the supply chain

Responsible Materials Management

CDX supports the Due Diligence responsibility of downstream entities under the EU Conflict Minerals regulation explicitly specifies any Conflict Afflicted High-Risk Area (CAHRA) that is similar to the obligations under the U.S. Dodd-Frank Act Section 1502.  The current version of the RMI CMRT is fully compliant with the EU regulation.

For an annual fee of 2.700 EUR or $ 3,030 (USD), your CDX company can receive Conflict Minerals Declarations from your suppliers via CDX. Gathering the information within CDX, which is based on the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT), is free of charge for your suppliers and they benefit fully from the CDX CMD Manager functionalities. Optionally, you can import Conflict Minerals Declarations in CMRT format of your suppliers.

Global demand for minerals is rising significantly due to the new products introduced to the market. 

Our module for CDX Responsible Minerals Reporting was extended for Mica & Cobalt Reporting. This new module can be optionally licensed as an add-on functionality for an annual fee of 2,140 EUR or $ 2,400 (USD) (not as a stand-alone functionality).

Note: A new price list with updated license functionalities will take effect on January 1, 2025. View the upcoming price list and details here.

Once your company registers in CDX, each user can manually input RMI-compliant Conflict Minerals Declarations (CMDs) and Extended Materials Declarations (EMDs) for their products and company at no charge.

Based on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act requirements, the CDX Conflict Minerals Declaration (CMD) Manager:
- Assists in the declaration process and roll up of information received from supplier companies
- Helps companies meet their reporting requirements
- Enables a managed Conflict Minerals Declaration process with full control over the company's supply chain
- Provides the best solution to manage the CMDs of business partners both working in CDX and exchanging CMDs with business partners not registered in CDX

The CDX CMD Manager provides different options for the management of CMDs:
- Import CMDs in an Excel format as defined by one of the different CMRT versions from suppliers who are not registered in CDX
- Create, send and receive CMDs from and to companies registered in CDX
- Incorporate CMDs received either via import or from CDX-using suppliers into your own company's CMDs
- Export CMDs into Excel files based on one of the template versions as defined by the CMRT
- Sort and group smelters within a CMD to provide an optimized view of the smelters, especially in complex declarations
- Validate CMDs imported into or created in CDX

The CDX CMD Manager handles different kind of smelters:
- Standard smelters which are listed in a version of the CMRT
- Conflict-Free Smelters defined by the RMI
- Smelters which register themselves in CDX
- Alleged smelters defined by the creator of a CMD
- Distributors and other facilities commonly, yet incorrectly reported as smelters

With more than 400 member companies, the RMI is one of the most utilized and respected resources for companies from a range of industries addressing responsible materials sourcing issues in their supply chain. CDX fully supports RMI's missions and assists in performing proactive due diligence by providing the Extended Materials Declaration (EMD) solution to enable industries to contribute positively to social and economic development and business practices to support responsible minerals production and sourcing globally.

The Extended Materials Manager: 
- Assists in the declaration process and roll up of information received from supplier companies
- Helps companies to improve company transparency, increase investors and customer interest, and meet the market’s growing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) expectations.
- Enables a managed Extended Materials Declaration process with full control over the company's supply chain
- Provides the best solution to manage the EMDs of business partners both working in CDX and exchanging EMDs with business partners not registered in CDX

The CDX EMD Manager provides different options for the management of EMDs:
- Import EMDs in an Excel format as defined by one of the several EMRT versions from suppliers who are not registered in CDX
- Create, send and receive EMDs from and to companies registered in CDX
- Incorporate EMDs received either via import or from CDX-using suppliers into your own company's EMDs
- Export EMDs into Excel files based on one of the template versions as defined by the EMRT
- Sort and group smelters within an EMD to provide an optimized view of the smelters, especially in complex declarations
- Validate EMDs imported into or created in CDX

The CDX EMD Manager handles different kind of smelters:
- Standard smelters which are listed in a version of the EMRT
- Conflict-Free Smelters defined by the RMI
- Smelters which register themselves in CDX
- Alleged smelters defined by the creator of a EMD
- Distributors and other facilities commonly, yet incorrectly reported as smelters

At least once a year, CDX is updated with the latest CMRT and EMRT released by Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), and CDX is one of the very few tools on the market that continue to support every version of the CMRT and EMRT. Other functionalities include:
- Accept supplier and imported CMRTs and EMRTs
- Import and export of IPC-1755 RMI CMRTs
- Versioning of imported CMDs/EMDs
- Choice to include duplicate smelter rows when exporting your CMRT and EMRT
- Rollup of multiple supplier CMDs/EMDs and CMD /EMD versions into your own CMD/EMD
- Bulk sending of CMD/EMD requests
- Automated email process
- Enhanced quality reporting and deficiency report
- Graphic representation of quality metrics and statistics
- CMD Web Services to integrate CDX CMDs and requests with in-house systems

All these functionalities have made CDX into one of the most mature and feature packed Responsible Materials Management solutions on the market.