Corporate Responsibility - CDX Web
Corporate Responsibility

Environmental and Human Rights concerns are a global priority. Many countries now require manufacturers, sellers and/or distributors of industrial and residential products to track all the materials such as Hazardous Substances and Conflict Minerals in their products not only just for reduced waste and recycling purposes but also to address issues related with Sustainability, Anti-Bribary / Anti-Corruption, Human Rights violation, Fair Labour Practices, Protection against Child Labor, and UK Modern Anti-Slavery Legislation. Information on materials in the supply chain must comply with legal requirements and enable companies successfully manage corporate responsibility programs.
U.K. Modern Anti-Slavery Legislation was enacted by the U.K. Parliament in 2015, this legislations provides for the seizure of assets of any entity engaged or employing within their supply chain (even at several steps removed) those engaged in slavery or human trafficking and conducting commerce within the U.K. The regulations in place require companies that use tin, tungsten, tantalum, or gold (3TG) in their products, or in the production of their products, to file an annual disclosure report on their supply chain due diligence. The origins of these minerals must be reported when they are from conflict-affected or high-risk areas (e.g., from the Democratic Republic of Congo or its adjoining countries). Even if your company itself is not subject to the legislation, if your clients or their clients are subject to it, you are likely to be required to provide a Conflict Minerals Declaration (CMD).
For years now, human rights advocates and others have documented human rights abuses and violations of international laws concerning mining practices. The importance of responsible sourcing raised an interest to expand the scope of the 3TG conflict minerals reporting to include additional minerals, the so called Extended Minerals.
While currently, there is no regulatory requirement in place to ensure compliance for cobalt and mica, many manufacturers already implemented a chain of custody due diligence practices designed to reasonably assure that minerals used within there are sourced in compliance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs). Compliance with the OECD Guidance will improve company transparency, increase investors’ and customer interest, and meet the market’s growing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) expectations.

DXC Technology (DXC) leads the way in environmental compliance by enabling manufacturers, sellers and/or distributors to collect, maintain and analyze material data across all levels of their supply chain with DXC Compliance Data eXchange (CDX) Solution. CDX streamlines the management of company's Corporate Responsibility programs and ensures that various regulations are managed efficiently.